Shield G-Man Club Fanzine #1

In the tradition of Alter Ego, Amazing Heroes, The Comics Journal, The Comic Reader, Comixscene, Near Mint, and Rocket Blast Comic Collector comes a new Fanzine, The Shield G-Man Club Fanzine!
To celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Shield, superfans join together to examine the classic MLJ heroes.
The history of the Shield G-Man Club is explored by Rik Offenberger, Jim Burrows explains Creating Ultraheroes with HeroMachie, The Coming of the Crusaders! is explored by Kevin Moorhead. Lance Jones talks about Public Domain and the Comic, The Impact of the Legend of the Shield by Joe Sewell, Jason Contini updates us on the Mighty Crusaders Fan Film “Red Circle investigations”, Rang-A-Tang: The Dog With Human Sidekicks is covered in a retro piece by Kevin Noel Olson
With pin-ups featuring, The Shield by Mike Cody, The Fox by Chris Watts, Crusaders Through the Years by Jason and Nate Contini, Sketch Cards by Korey Watkins, Fly Girl Sketches by Daniel St. John and a Captain Action/Shield Ad by Joe Ahearn.
All this under a beautiful cover by Gilbert Monsanto.
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