(May 21, 2017) Sorry to learn today of the passing of Rich Buckler. He was a polarizing figure in comics for sure, but my personal experience with Rich was quite positive. He granted me an interview for The MLJ Companion, the book on which I collaborated with Rik Offenberger and Jon B. Cooke. Rich, as a writer, artist and editor was one of the main players behind Archie’s 1980s revival of the MLJ/Mighty Crusaders characters, under the Red Circle imprint. There was quite a bit of behind-the-scenes drama in the creation of that line. What made the interview so special was that Rich agreed to leave that turmoil behind and make the interview about the characters and stories and how he and his team did all they could to make them shine. I was quite appreciative of him taking such a gracious approach to the interview.

Rest in peace, Rich.

Pau Castiglia