Bill Wray Interview

How did you become involved with Impact?
I was working for Mike Gold at the time. I think Mike offered me the book. I jumped at it as I felt Tom’s work was amazing. Hell– I might have asked when I saw his pencils.
How was Len Strazewski to work with?
As an Inker I never had any contact with him.
How was working with Tom Artis?
Tom was great. it was great to talk to him as most pencilers didn’t bother with the inker. His pencils were and elegant joy to work on. I always wished I had more time to spend on his work, but I was over committed to to many projects at the time.
Any idea as to why Tom departed the title so soon?
It’s hard to remember exactly. A monthly book is hard to do. I sure missed it when he left.
When he left, it seemed they couldn’t get a regular penciller on the title. Any idea why?
The books didn’t sell that great if I remember. There was loads of work at that time and not enough artists to do it. So it was tough to get a top artist to stay on a “marginal title” as before long they would get an offer to do a hotter book.
What was your opinion of the other artists who came in to do the last half of the issues you worked on?
It’s hard to remember. I think everyone was pretty good or developing into being pretty good. Certainly Dave Johnson has developed into an great artist /designer. I had to finally quit because of my workload at Ren and Stimpy made it to hard to work at night.
Did one of them stand out as a better artist than the rest to you?
I Liked Tom’s work the best even when he was a little loose. His work was so natural a real flow to the art. Sometimes he might get a little lazy on establishing shots or varying his layout. But I may have enjoyed inking his work better than any regular book I was ever on.
Did any of them seem easier to ink?
Again Tom. You could tell he didn’t swipe or labor over the drawing– it was all his.
What did you think of the characters that made up the Web?
To be honest I didn’t really get into the characters that much. It was a job for me. A pleasant one, but just work.
If you had to point to your favorite moment in the series, what would it be?
I guess the first issue or two as everyone on the series is trying their hardest and it’s all fresh and exciting.
Why did you depart from Impact after issue 10?
As I said before I got really busy and I think it stopped being fun. I remember the last artist or two being beginners who put a lot of work into there stuff, but consequently I had to work very hard to get it done. Call me lazy.
Any idea as to why the line was cancelled wholesale?
Sales I imagine.
Bill, thank you!
Thank you! If you ever talk to Tom please say hi.