Hey, guys, here is a post I’ve been wanting to make for a while now

Both Lily and I are now working for Archie Comics on their digest books! We’re really excited about it, and I thought I would share some of the “behind the scenes” character art I’ve been doing for these stories- every 5-page story assignment I’ve gotten so far has featured an MLJ superhero character from the company’s past as a guest star who is interacting with the regular Archie Comics cast of characters- I’ve loved the Archie Superheroes for a long time now, and it’s so much fun drawing them in these stories.

What’s even more fun and rewarding for me is the fact that I get to work with my own daughter, Lily Butler, who is inking over my pencils on some of these stories! I think it’s an awesome thing that she is now working for the very same company that announced her birth in an issue of Sonic The Hedgehog way back in 1999 quite a special thing!!

Also, check this out If you guys are interested in buying the comics we’re drawing, but are not sure where to purchase them from, here is a link to the Archie Comics website, with a unique and special code that will record all purchases from the website using that code, which will also help me out by earning a percentage of each sale that is tied to that special code-
Check it out Archie always has great specials on their website- you may even be pleasantly surprised at some of the new things they publish these days.

I’ll keep you updated on when the digest comics that Lily and I are drawing will be released- meanwhile, check out their awesome sales here on the website https://store.archiecomics.com/?utm_source=ARTGILLIAN…

– Steven Butler