Thrill-O-Rama Issue 04
Charlton, Archie, and Harvey all throwing their respective heroes into this big storyline. The first under the Harvey banner (Thrill-O-Rama #4), the second part through Charlton (Charlton Premiere #20) the final part from Archie Comics (Mighty Crusaders #8).
Harvey Comics’ Magic Master, Scarlet Nemesis, Phantom Sphinx, Red Demon and Glowing Gladiator followed by Mighty Comics Group’s (as in Archie) Black Hood, Fly-Girl, Zambini, Pow Girl and the Comet followed by Charlton’s Son of Vulcan, Yang, Judomaster, Blue Beetle, and Nightshade. Harvey Heroes (top to bottom) the Human Meteor, Jack Q. Frist, the Black Cat and Jigsaw. In the center are the baddies from the Mighty Crusaders first appearance: Wax-Man, Force-Man, Bombor, Electroso, and Thornadillo.
Charlton Premiere Issue 20
Charlton, Archie, and Harvey all throwing their respective heroes into this big storyline. The first under the Harvey banner (Thrill-O-Rama #4), the second part through Charlton (Charlton Premiere #20) the final part from Archie Comics (Mighty Crusaders #8).
Charlton’s the second Blue Beetle, Nightshade, Gunmaster, the Question, and Peacemaker. Harvey’s Magicmaster, Phantom Sphinx, War Nurse, Black Cat and Jigsaw. Archie’s Steel Sterling, the Web, the Comet, Scarlet Avenger, and Jaguar. More Charlton with Captain Atom, the Prankster, Thunderbolt, and Judomaster.
Brendon Fraim (Artist)
Kevin Moorhead (Editor)
The Mighty Crusaders Issue 08
Charlton, Archie, and Harvey all throwing their respective heroes into this big storyline. The first under the Harvey banner (Thrill-O-Rama #4), the second part through Charlton (Charlton Premiere #20) the final part from Archie Comics (Mighty Crusaders #8).
Archie heroes the Modern Shield, Mr. Justice, Fly-Girl, the Falcon and the Fly. Charlton folks, Judomaster, Sarge Steel, Spookman, Shape, and Peacemaker. On the right are the Harvey folks, Spyman, Bee-Man, Black Kitten, Atoma and the Scarlet Arrow. Pluse Archie’s Mighty Crusaders, Bob Phantom, Steel Sterling, the Green Cobra, the Golden Age Shield, the Web, the Fox and the Hangman.
Brendon Fraim (Artist)
Kevin Moorhead (Editor)