WIZARD (Blain Whitney)
Harry Shorten & Edd Ashe
Real Name:
Blain Whitney
Joined Mighty Crusaders:
In an untold story prior to Archie’s Weird Mysteries #3
First Appearance:
Top-Notch Comics #1, December 1939
Trained from youth to be a mental wizard, Blain possesses a photographic memory and supersensory perception, which allow him to tune into criminal activity. His costume also made him invulnerable.
Ever since the founding of the United States of America, members of the Whitney family have served America and have helped the country in its hour of need. Among those members of the Whitney family who have served America include such notables as general Steven Whitney, who had helped cover General George Washington’s retreat from long island and cleared the way to Valley Forge; Capt. Ambrose Whitney, who was a Privateer Commander during the War of 1812; Major Thomas Whitney, who accepted Robert E. Lee’s saber at Appomattox Courthouse on behalf of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to end the Civil War; and James Whitney, a Federal Agent with the Bureau of Indian Affairs who signed a treaty with several tribes of Native Americans to put an end to a series of raids against white settlers. They were among the many members of the Whitney family to serve America at her darkest hour. Trained from youth to be a mental wizard, Blain possesses a photographic memory and supersensory perception, which allow him to tune into criminal activity. His costume also made him invulnerable.
Powers & Weapons:
Photographic memories, genius level intelligence, and most importantly; super sensory perception which is the ability to mentally picture events that are occurring at a distance. He creates such weapons as the Dynamagno-Saw Ray Projector, Secret Formula F22X, and the H2-VX-0 Ray.
MLJ Comics:
Top-Notch Comics 1-27
Shield-Wizard Comics 1-13
Special Comics 1
Pep Comics 4, 5
Miss Liberty 1
Red Circle & Archie Comics:
Shield: America’s 1st Patriotic Comic Book Hero tpb (two very minor cameos)
Archie’s Weird Mysteries 3, 14