Shield G-Man Club Fanzine #3

In the tradition of Alter Ego, Amazing Heroes, The Comics Journal, The Comic Reader, Comixscene, Near Mint, and Rocket Blast Comic Collector comes a new Fanzine, The Shield G-Man Club Fanzine!
To celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the Shield, superfans join together to examine the classic MLJ heroes.
Rik Offenberger tells you Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Red Rube and More. (GASP!) How a science-fiction movie from 1958 led to my becoming a fan of Golden Age MLJ Comics by Gary McCullough and Daniel St. John presents the Last Days of the Fly, part 2.
With a Captain Action/Shield Ad by Joe Ahearn.
All this under a beautiful cover by Greg Agustin.
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