Mighty Comics Heroes
Steel Sterling
Fly Man No. 39
September 1966
Story: “The Monster-Master” (part 1; 10 pages)
Editor: Richard Goldwater
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Penciller: Paul Reinman
Inker: Frank Giacoia
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (between MIGHTY CRUSADERS #5 / 7)
Villains: The Monster-Master (first appearance; next appears in MIGHTY CRUSADERS #7), Snakeman, Ram-Man, Grasshopper-Man, Kangaroo-Man, Octopus-Man, Reptile-Man, Winged Wolf Monster (first and only appearance for all)
Comment: Story continues in MIGHTY CRUSADERS #7.
Synopsis: Steel Sterling must do battle with monsters created by a mad scientist known as the Monster Master.
Mighty Crusaders No. 7
October 1966
Cover: Steel Sterling vs. monsters //Paul Reinman
Story: “The Monster-Master” (part 2; 15 pages)
Editor: Richard Goldwater
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Pencillers: Mike Sekowsky (pgs. 1-10), Paul Reinman (pgs. 11-15)
Inker: Paul Reinman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last appearance in FLY MAN #39; next appears in MIGHTY COMICS #44)
Cameo appearances: Mr. Medusa, Pan-Pan, Barbarian Ghost (first and only appearance for all)
Villains: The Monster-Master (last appearance in FLY MAN #39; next appears in MIGHTY COMICS #49), the Sea-Demon, King Neptune (first appearance for both; both destroyed in this story)
Comment: Story continues from FLY MAN #39.
Synopsis: The Monster-Master creates a Sea-Demon to fight Steel Sterling.
Mighty Comics No. 44
March 1967
Story: “The Awesome Bravo” (10 pages)
Editor: Richard Goldwater
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Paul Reinman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last appearance in MIGHTY CRUSADERS #7; next appears in issue #46)
Intro: A league of mutants (first and only appearance)
Villain: The Awesome Bravo (first and only appearance)
Synopsis: Steel Sterling must protect himself and a depowered “hero”, the Awesome Bravo, from an assortment of villains.
Mighty Comics No. 46
May 1967
Cover: Steel Sterling, Magnetic Menace, and Gargoyle Gang; Web vignette //Paul Reinman
Story: “Here Comes the Magnetic Menace” (12 pages)
Editor: Richard Goldwater
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Paul Reinman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (between issues #44 / 49)
Villains: Magnetic Menace, Gargoyle Gang (first and only appearance for all)
Comment: Steel Sterling loses his anti-grav belt in this story.
Synopsis: Steel Sterling faces a magnet-powered foe, the Magnetic Menace, and the masked Gargoyle Gang, both of which work against each other.
Mighty Comics No. 49
August 1967
Cover: Steel Sterling vs. two villains; Fox vs. the Gasser (four vignettes) //Paul Reinman
Story: “The Deadly Masterminds” (12 pages)
Editor: Richard Goldwater
Writer: Jerry Siegel
Artist: Paul Reinman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last appearance in issue #46; next chronological appearance in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #3)
GS: Black Hood (last appearance in issue #47)
Villains: The Monster-Master (last appearance in MIGHTY CRUSADERS #7; last appearance), Dr. Evil, Blackie and his gang (first and only appearance for all), monstroids (first appearance; destroyed in this story)
Synopsis: Steel Sterling and the Black Hood team up to fight Steel’s old foe the Monster-Master and a new villain, Dr. Evil.
Blue Ribbon Comics V. 2 No. 3
December 1983
Cover: Giant hand lifting Steel Sterling out of vat //Alan Weiss / Rudy Nebres (signed)
Story: “Introducing Ms. Samson” (chapter 1; 6 pages)
Chapter 2: “Trial By Fire” (8 pages)
Chapter 3: “Light From a Strange Star” (16 pages)
Editor: Richard Goldwater
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller; Eduardo Barretto
Inker: Tony DeZuniga
Letterer: Victor Gorelick
Colorist: Ken Feduniewicz
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last chronological appearance in MIGHTY COMICS #49; next chronological appearance in LANCELOT STRONG, THE SHIELD #1; origin retold in detail)
Supporting Characters: Gayla Gaynor (first chronological appearance; next chronological appearance in LANCELOT STRONG, THE SHIELD #1), Ms. Samson, the Steelers, the Bag Lady, Pop Casey (first chronological appearance for all; all next chronologically appear in LANCELOT STRONG, THE SHIELD #2), Mr. Sterling (Steel’s father; in flashback; dies in this story), Mrs. Sterling (Steel’s mother; in flashback; first and only appearance), Meg Sterling (Steel’s sister; in flashback; first appearance; next appears in STEEL STERLING #4), Rita (first appearance; next appears in STEEL STERLING #4)
Villains: Frankie and his gang, various crooks (first and only appearance for all)
Synopsis: During an interview, Steel Sterling muses over his origin and the paths that have led him to his present.
Lancelot Strong, the Shield No. 1
June 1983
Story: “Humongous” (10 pages)
Editor, co-scripter: Rich Buckler
Co-scripter: Stan Timmons
Penciller: Adrian Gonzales
Inker: Rudy Nebres
Letterer: Rod Ollerenshaw
Colorist: Barry Grossman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last chronological appearance in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #3)
Supporting Characters: Gayla Gaynor (first appearance; last chronological appearance in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #3)
Intro: Sgt. Stephen Behler, Chip Carson, David Wagner (only appearance for all)
Villain: Humongous, Dr. Reese (first and only appearance for both)
Synopsis: Steel Sterling fights a giant villain who only wishes to be normal again.
Lancelot Strong, the Shield No. 2
August 1983
Story: “Screen Test For a Tin Hero”
Chapter 1: “The Concrete Jungle” (6 pages)
Chapter 2: “Muscle Isn’t Enough” (6 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Rudy Nebres
Letterer: Bill Yoshida
Colorist: C. Hawk
Feature Character: Steel Sterling
Supporting Characters: Ms. Samson (Sheba Samson), Pop Casey, the Steelers (also known as the Young Steelers; Asa, Wong, Carmen, Red Wing, April, Arthur; first appearance for all; last chronological appearance for all in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #3), Annie (first appearance; next appears in STEEL STERLING #4)
Villains: The Sons o’ Satan (a motorcycle gang; first appearance)
Comment: Story continues in next issue.
Synopsis: Steel Sterling continues to train in hopes of getting a role in an action picture, and meets the Steelers, a band of young fans.
Shield / Steel Sterling No. 3
December 1983
Story: “Screen Test For a Tin Hero”
Chapter 3: “Showdown at Sunrise” (5 pages)
Chapter 4: “Meet the Steelers” (7 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Eduardo Barretto
Letterer: Victor Gorelick
Colorist: Ken Feduniewicz
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last appearance in LANCELOT STRONG, THE SHIELD #2)
Supporting Characters: Gayla Gaynor, Ms. Samson, the Steelers (all next appear in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #3), Eric Von Zeller (first appearance; next appears in STEEL STERLING #4)
Intro: Phil Levy, Ida Bannister (only appearance), the Bag Lady (next appears in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #2)
Villains: The Sons o’ Satan (a motorcycle gang), various crooks (first and only appearance for all)
Comment: Shortly after this story Steel Sterling teams up with the Shield II to fight Red Sun in the first story in this issue.
Synopsis: Steel Sterling competes with Ms. Samson for a part in an action movie.
Steel Sterling No. 4
January 1984
Cover: Steel Sterling, Steelers, and police at site of auto wreck //Eduardo Barretto
Story: “A Licence to Kill” (30 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Eduardo Barretto
Letterers: Andy Kubert, Victor Gorelick
Colorist: Ken Feduniewicz
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last appearance in BLUE RIBBON COMICS V. 2 #3)
Supporting Characters: The Steelers, Pop Casey, Ms. Samson, Gayla Gaynor, the Bag Lady, Meg Sterling, Rita, Eric Von Zeller (last appearance in SHIELD / STEEL STERLING #3)
Intro: Alice Addams, Norma Thomas, Vic Klusky, Mr and Mrs. Frank Corman (only appearance for all), Frankie Corman (dies in this story)
Cameo appearance: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Villains: Two drunk drivers, a band of spies (first and only appearance for all)
Synopsis: Steel Sterling and the Steelers try to deal with the human damage caused by a pair of drunk drivers.
Steel Sterling No. 5
March 1984
Cover: Steel Sterling vs. vultures and Arab terrorists //Rudy Nebres
Story: “Too Young to Kill” (6 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Frank McLaughlin
Letterer: BTO
Colorist: Barry Grossman
Feature Characters: The Steelers
Villain: Georgie (first and only appearance)
Synopsis: Red Wing, the Indian member of the Steelers, is kidnapped by a madman insistent on reenacting the Battle of the Little Big Horn, with himself playing George Custer.
Story: “The Scent of Blood” (15 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Eduardo Barretto
Letterer: S. Gneiss
Colorist: Barry Grossman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling
Supporting Character: Ms. Samson, Gayla Gaynor, Steelers, Rita
Villains: Nick and his gang (first appearance for all; all die in this story)
Synopsis: Convicts hijack Steel’s bus and strand him and his friends in the desert, so he and Ms. Samson go to get their bus back.
Steel Sterling No. 6
May 1984
Cover: Steelers in boat gripped by ghostly hand //Eduardo Barretto
Story: “The House That Wouldn’t Die” (10 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Penciller: Carmine Infantino
Inker: Eduardo Barretto
Colorist: Barry Grossman
Feature Characters: The Steelers
GA: Steel Sterling
Supporting Characters: Ms. Samson, Rita, Gayla Gaynor
Intro: John Fenwick, Mary Fenwick, Tess Fenwick (die in this story, but return as ghosts; only appearance for all)
Synopsis: The Young Steelers get a chance to “rescue” the ghost of a little girl killed in a twenty-year-old fire.
Steel Sterling No. 7
July 1994
Cover: Steel Sterling trapped on roulette wheel by Death and mobsters //Eduardo Barretto
Story: “Death Is the Joker” (16 pages)
Editor: Robin Snyder
Writer: Robert Kanigher
Artist: Eduardo Barretto
Colorist: Barry Grossman
Feature Character: Steel Sterling (last appearance)
Supporting Characters: Gayla Gaynor, Rita, Ms. Samson, Steelers (last appearance for all)
Cameo appearance: Mr. Sterling (in flashback; dies in this story)
Villains: Eddie ( first appearance; dies in this story), Don Blanco and other mobsters (first and only appearance for all)
Synopsis: A mob boss who, decades ago, killed Steel Sterling’s father now assigns his men to do the same to Steel himself.