BLACK HOOD (Canadian)

Cliff Campbell & Al “Camy” Camerata
Real Name:
Matthew Kipling “Kip” Burland
Joined Mighty Crusaders:
Black Hood II is not a member of the Mighty Crusaders
First Appearance:
Black Hood Comics #1 1946
Patrolman, Kip Burland, was attacked by the Skull, who framed him for robbing a jewelry store. Burland was discharged from the force. When Burland tried to capture the Skull on his own he was shot and thrown in the woods. A man called the Hermit rescued him and trained him to become the Black Hood. As the Black Hood, Burland was able to clear his name
For all intents and purposes, the Canadian Black Hood was the same as his US counterpart, the stories were the same but redrawn by Canadian artists who adjusted the costume for the Canadian audience.
Powers & Weapons:
An Olympic level athlete, master of hand to hand combat Superior deductive abilities.
F E Howard Comics:
Black Hood Comics 1
Black Swan Comics 1
Liberty Comics 12
Roly Poly Comics 11, 12, 14
Super Comics 1-5